Coaching Services

New Clients

Consultation, 20 minutes, Free:

Let’s discuss the parenting issues that you’re experiencing.

Initial In-Home Session, 1 hour, $225

Our first session will take place in the comfort of your home with one or both parents and your child. In my experience, sessions can feel unnatural in an office setting, potentially causing undue stress. Being in a familiar environment allows me to observe your family dynamics more authentically. I can be introduced as a new family friend to ensure your child feels more at ease.

Initial Follow-up Virtual Check-In, 45 minutes, Free

We’ll review the in-home visit, and discuss new tools and simple strategies for you to implement.


Subsequent Sessions

In-Person & Virtual Check-In, 1 hour 45 minutes total, $225

Locations will vary. Possible locations include haircuts, walking home from school, going on a grocery run, walking the dog, going to a birthday party, etc. It’s essential for us to be in settings that allow for natural interactions, while also allowing you to go about your day-to-day.

Package (4 Sessions): $800

Package (8 Sessions): $1,450

For the most effective results, I recommend meeting weekly.

couple in store shopping with daughter
couple in park picking up daughter

The Parent Coach
- A playful approach to creating a joyful home!